The Walking Beauty or TWB for short, is becoming more and more popular these days. But what is TWB? Is it a product? NO! TWB is a platform created by Master Ainul (Ainul Sahahrazad, a working at home mom, WAHM) to empower woman and as a base for women to make money the simplest and easiest way. No layering, no scam, nothing. All you give is all you get. Instant cash into your pocket as long as you willing to get it! In this context, Master Ainul created a Home and Mobile Spa package which is the cheapest of all spa courses I've ever heard, with the most compact package. Still doesn't get any clue of what I am talking about? Here. In other spa courses I've enquired, the cost itself ranges from few hundreds to few thousand Malaysian Ringgit just for a course, to be exact, a skill. But in TWB, you spend just RM1999, you get the skill, support group and all kinds of stuff you need to set up your spa and you can start right away after your training. Why? ...
Shaklee product and Sparkle Spa at your service! Based in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Provide supplement guide, home spa, mobile spa and many more. Contact 0146808511 for more info!